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How to Find Great Guests For Your Twitter Spaces?

·5 mins·
Twitter Spaces Engagement
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Twitter Spaces thrive on involvement, and one of the best ways to keep your Spaces engaging and informative is by inviting new guests to the equation. Fresh perspectives and expert insights can elevate your Spaces and attract a wider audience. However, finding the right guests can be harder than it sounds, especially if you’re starting fresh. In this guide, we’ll walk you through some effective strategies to help you discover and invite excellent guests for your Twitter Spaces.

1) Have a Laser-focused Aim

Before you start your guest hunt, you need to define your goals and objectives for your Twitter Spaces. Ask yourself:

  • Am I looking for guests to discuss a specific topic?
  • Is there a particular guest I want to feature, and I’m willing to create a Space just to have them as a guest?

Your approach will vary significantly based on your answer to this question. Answering these questions will help you narrow down your search and focus on finding guests who align with your vision.

The next step is to pinpoint the overarching aim of your Space. Typically, Twitter Spaces can serve a multitude of purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Education: Most spaces have educational components, but some of them double down on this feature and have a lecture-like agenda. Is your primary aim to inform and educate your audience? If that’s the case, then you’ll need to look for an expert in the subject and prepare for the space yourself.
  • Entertainment: These spaces tend to feature light-hearted conversations about daily topics, storytelling, music, and discussions on pop culture. You are mostly looking for vibes here. Your audience wants to have a good time, so you should pick guests that can bring positive energy to the conversation.
  • Debate: These spaces often lead to the most popular sessions, but arguably, they are the hardest to execute. You need to invite mutliple experts, prepare a clear agenda, and practice moderating the discussion to keep it focused.
  • Support and Community Building: These spaces are mostly hosted by Twitter-oriented projects, and often Web3 projects, where the host aims to create a sense of community. These sessions provide updates on projects, offer support and advice, and create a platform for individuals with shared interests to connect.

2) Start Curating A CRM Database

As you spend time on Twitter, you’ll come across people who you think would make great guests for your Spaces. When this happens, don’t let the opportunity slip away. Having a well-organized database will make it easier to reach out to potential guests when the time comes.

Start curating a database of potential guests:

  • Create a spreadsheet or use a note-taking app to keep track of potential guests
  • Include their Twitter handle, areas of expertise, and any other relevant information
  • Regularly update and expand your database as you discover new prospects

To make it easier for you, we created a free Notion template. Simply copy it to your workplace, and you are ready to being.

Twitter Spaces Guest CRM Rolodex

3) Invest Time in Crafting Great Guest Experience

Your past work will define your potential in attracting new guests. An exceptional guest experience that you showcase to the world will not only demonstrate your professionalism but also help you attract other guests. A good word is worth a ton.

This means preparation at every step:

  • Promote your guests before and after the Space.
  • Support them at every stage. Provide them with all the relevant information about the subject and prepare them technically.
  • Continue promoting guests with new content well after the session so that potential guests will know that participating will be very lucrative for them (join once, enjoy marketing for a long time)
  • To learn more about preparations, refer to our article How To Prepare For A Twitter Space Session? FULL GUIDE

4) Do Cold DMing The Right Way

If you don’t have a connection who can introduce you to a potential guest, you may need to reach out with a cold DM. When crafting your message:

  • Be brief and direct, as people are more likely to respond to concise messages
  • Personalize the message by mentioning why you think they would be a great guest
  • Highlight the benefits of participating in your Space, such as exposure to a new audience or the opportunity to share their expertise
  • Follow this simple guide by Sahil Bloom
    Sahil Bloom’s Tweet

5) Use Advanced Search on Twitter

Twitter’s advanced search feature can be a powerful tool for finding experts on specific topics. However, to get the best results, you need to use very specific keywords. For example:

  • Instead of searching for “USA foreign policy,” try “USA involvement with Israel and Gaza” or “USA and war on Ukraine”
  • Use quotation marks around phrases to search for exact matches
  • Combine keywords with other search operators, such as “from:” to find tweets from specific users or “filter:links” to find tweets with links to relevant articles or resources

Refine your search terms and use advanced search techniques, and you can uncover potential guests who are already talking about your topic of interest.

Remember, success is a snowball. If you prepare well and remain persistent, you will continuously expand your network and find that attracting top talent becomes easier over time.

About Alphy

Alphy transcribes, summarizes, and creates AI assistants for audio content, including Twitter Spaces offering tools for content repurposing, including soundbites, threads, podcasts, SEO blog posts, newsletters, and video content creation.


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